ColdFusion Muse

Primitive Variables Vs. Educated and Urbane Variables

Mark Kruger March 17, 2009 3:39 PM ColdFusion Comments (6)

One of the things that sometimes trips me up is the whole idea of references. I'm not talking about stuffy books in the library. I'm talking about the idea that setting one variable to another can sometimes create a pointer to that item rather than a copy. Now before we chat about it any further we should get square on the difference between a "primitive" or "simple" data type and a "complex" or "emotionally involved" data type.

Primitive Data Types

I like to think of "primitive" data types as "one level" members of any scope. I also like to think of them as little cave men in loin cloths running around and clubbing defenseless mammoths - but that is perhaps too much information. There's actually a pretty short list of primitive data types. In fact, "short" actually is one of the data types I believe. In the CF world a primitive Datatype would be a string, number or possibly a date. Of course the actual list is more like "short, long, float, double, int, string, byte" - but it is probably more useful (for the purpose of this post) to consider String, Number and Date. Check out this example.

<cfset inferior = 'Hello World'/>
<h4>I think I have a complex</h4>
<h4>It's not a complex - you really are inferior.</h4>

The "isSimpleValue()" function can help you sort out the type of variable. If it returns "YES" then you have a primitive (congratulations you can begin to look for remedial schooling). So, if we change our variable to a structure (for example):

<Cfset inferior = structNew()/>
<cfset inferior.item1 = true/>

<h4>You really are complex</h4>

Now we have a non-primitive value. Notice the "isStruct()" above. It's worth noting that there are a bunch of additional "is" functions for object typing (isQuery, isArray etc).

Setting Reference or Copy

Ok, here's the final piece of the puzzle. When you use cfset to create a variable on the left side that is assigning to another variable on the right one of 2 things happens. If the right side variable is a primitive the value is copied from the right to the left. If it is not a primitive but rather a complex data type or object then the value is not copied into your new variable container. Instead, CF assigns a pointer to it - a book mark - based on your new variable name.

<cfset x = 'blue'/>
<h4>Copy from x to y</h4>
<cfset y = x/>
<cfset z = structnew()/>
<cfset = 'blue'/>
<H4>Set a pointer / bookmark</H4>
<cfset a = z/>

Why is This Important?

All righty, we get what is happening with primitives. A simple value is being passed back and forth. But what is happening with the complex types? Actually the data doesn't move at all. Instead, there are now 2 variables pointed to the same spot in memory and the members of one belong to the other (sort of like when Alamo and National merged). Try this:

<cfset y = structnew()/>
<cfset = 'Blue'/>

<cfset x = y>

<cfset = 'yellow'>

<h4>Dump out <strong>Y</strong></h4>
<Cfdump var="#y#"/>
See what I mean? when you change x then y has changed as well. The sky is yellow and there is a new member called "grass" that was never there before.

When is it a Problem?

Now admittedly the example above is probably not very useful - but there are some cases when it really comes into play. Consider the Application scope for example. Now be patient, this example requires some set up. First, we have the following Application scope code - note, I'm using application.cfm for simplicity here.

<cfapplication name="testStuff">

<Cfif NOT isDefined('application.testobj')>
    <cfset application.testobj = createobject("component","getuser")/>
<!--- setting a reference from ap to variables --->
<cfset variables.testObj = application.testobj/>
In this case we are instantiating the "getuser" object and sticking it into the application scope, then creating a reference to it (for convenience I suppose) in the variables scope. So far so good. Let's look at "getuser.cfc".

    <cffunction name="getUserInfo" ....>
        <cfargument name="permissions" .../>
        <cfquery name="getusers" ...>
            SELECT * ....
        <cfreturn getUsers/>

The getuserinfo() Function returns the results of a query. Finally, we have some code on the user template - something like:
<cfset users = testobj.getUserInfo(permissions)/>
    <cfoutput query="users">
     #username# #password#<br/>

This code will work and return users to the logged in user. Under a light load it will even return the correct users for a time. But as more and more requests are received some users are going to see other users information. Why? Simply because the variable "getusers" is going to persist in the application scope and be overwritten with each new request. Since the code testobj = application.testobj really just returns a reference to an object in the application scope, this will mean (eventually) that 2 users will hit at nearly the same time and get the same information (whichever thread was last to write to "result").

The Fix

The fix in this case is to make the "getusers" variable a member of the function so that it goes out of scope as soon as the function returns - like so:

<cffunction name="getUserInfo" ....>
    <cfargument name="permissions" .../>
    <!--- scope the var --->
    <cfset var getusers = ''/>
    <cfquery name="getusers" ...>
        SELECT * ....
    <cfreturn getUsers/>


The lesson here is greater than the example however. When you set variables be sure you know what the underlying consequences are likely to be. Especially when dealing with the application and server scopes you should evaluate very carefully whether this reference approach has merit and is needed. If it is needed you will need to thoroughly test under load to be sure you have not created holes where you data can seep into unintended areas. Hope this helps - happy coding :).

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  • Eric Cobb's Gravatar
    Posted By
    Eric Cobb | 3/17/09 2:38 PM
    Good stuff!

    What's the moral of the story? Always remember to VAR scope your CFC variables (like every good little CF developer should), and this shouldn't be an issue.

    Also, you can easily create a copy of a complex data type or object (instead of a pointer) by using the Duplicate() function.

    <cfset variables.testObj = Duplicate(application.testobj) />
  • Ezra Parker's Gravatar
    Posted By
    Ezra Parker | 3/18/09 2:22 PM
    I would add one clarification, which is that arrays are copied/passed by value, not by reference. To complicate matters further, any non-array complex value that is nested within an array is still copied by reference.

    For example (I hope this code comes through OK):

    <!--- Create an array to nest, and set the first item value to 1 --->
    <cfset array = ArrayNew(1) />
    <cfset array[1] = 1 />

    <!--- Create a structure to nest, and set the "key" key to 1 --->
    <cfset struct = StructNew() />
    <cfset struct.key = 1 />

    <!--- Create an array, and set the first three items to a number, an array and a structure --->
    <cfset array1 = ArrayNew(1) />
    <cfset array1[1] = 1 />
    <cfset array1[2] = array />
    <cfset array1[3] = struct />

    <!--- Copy the array --->
    <cfset array2 = array1 />

    <!--- Re-set the "inner" values of the copy --->
    <cfset array2[1] = 2 />
    <cfset array2[2][1] = 2 />
    <cfset array2[3].key = 2 />

    <p>Dump array1</p>
    <cfdump var="#array1#" />

    <p>Dump array2</p>
    <cfdump var="#array2#" />

    Note that setting new values into the copied array does not affect the original for a nested simple type or array, but setting a key of a nested structure *will* change the value of the same key in the structure contained within the original array.
  • Mark Kruger's Gravatar
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    Mark Kruger | 3/18/09 2:40 PM

    whoa... that is really cool. I did not know about that nuance. I suppose I should have checked my code against arrays eh? Good stuff. I might do a follow up. Thanks!

  • Charles Robertson's Gravatar
    Posted By
    Charles Robertson | 11/19/14 1:10 PM
    Mark. I am a little worried. I am referencing session variables [not in a '.cfc']. Is this thread safe:

    <cfset session.testvalue1.item = 1 />
    <cfset variables.lcktestvalue1 = session.testvalue1 />
    <cfset session.testvalue1.item = 2 />

    Your article suggests that under load, this may not be the case.

    Why I am doing this? To prevent having to use read locks on the session variables. OK, so everyone tells me not to lock session variables, but I like to play safe. There are couple of scenarios that are still susceptible to a race condition.

    Is it safer to just do this:

    <cfset session.testvalue1.item = 1 />
    <cfset session.testvalue1.item = 2 />

    Any thoughts?
  • Mark Kruger's Gravatar
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    Mark Kruger | 11/19/14 1:49 PM

    You are probably locking for no good reason - at least with regard to session vars. You probably do not have race conditions existing within your system unless you are doing asynch calls where one set steps on another (as in Ajax calls where a session variable might be set by 2 different calls to the cfc or method).

    Meanwhile, when you copy by reference you are able to make a change to the underlying session variable by altering your "local" variable, so unless everything is a primitive you are actually not doing what you think you are doing.

    To put it another way - IF locking for writing session variables was required in all cases and IF you passed a session variable BY reference, then to be "thread safe" you MUST lock a write to that reference as well... you would need to lock <cfset testvariable.item1 = 2/> ... because you are creating a "window" to the underlying session variable.
  • Charles Robertson's Gravatar
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    Charles Robertson | 11/19/14 2:08 PM
    Thanks Mark. To be honest, that is the reason I never ever write to the local reference. I only read from it. The reason for this is that before today, I thought that only the local variable would get updated and not the session it was pointing to. In other words, I never knew about referencing in CF. Doh.

    This is why the output in the second example I posted on Stackoverflow today, was so puzzling to me. But all is clear now.