ColdFusion Muse

Scoropio's Integration Tools and Widgets

Mark Kruger May 9, 2007 7:28 PM Coldfusion's Future Comments (5)

A few posts ago I wrote about Scorpio for the developer. I was reviewing a topic covered by Adam Lehman at our local Coldfusion User Group. His topic was presented in 3 parts. The first part (covered in the previous post) had to do with developer tools or widgets that are features of the language. His second part had to do with integration. Here's the rundown:

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Open Source Client Side Libraries - What Could Go Wrong?

Mark Kruger May 2, 2007 12:37 PM Coldfusion's Future Comments (5)

Reader Ken Auenson made some insightful comments on my previous post regarding "Scorpio" - the upcoming ColdFusion 8 release. Regarding my concern about keeping client side code up to date with the latest browser compatible version he said the following:

"...Adobe is utilizing open source products can that can be directly edited as non-encrypted files. He [Ben Forta] actually mentioned that the calendar widget was taken from the Yahoo UI API and it would be possible to modify it yourself if you needed additional functionality. I took this to mean that we would upgrade/enhance them as we want/need to, so we shouldn't have to rely on CF putting out an upgrade to CF when new versions of these products are turned out."

I starting writing a response but it turned out to be lengthy so I decided a follow up post is in order. I certainly don't disagree with Ken's take in the short run, and I got the same impression from Adam's presentation. Still, although this might seem like a free pass to the zoo, it is actually a double edged sword.

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Scorpio For the Developer

Mark Kruger May 2, 2007 10:09 AM Coldfusion's Future Comments (4)

No it is not the latest movie by Jean Claude Van Damme, nor is it a perfume by Este' Lauder. Scorpio is the code name for the next version of ColdFusion. At our meeting of the Nebraska Coldfusion User Group last night we heard a great presentation from ColdFusion specialist Adam Lehman previewing this enticing product. Needless to say it whetted our appetite. Here's some of the scoop.

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BlueDragon 7 - Coldfusion's Little Sister is Growing Up

Mark Kruger February 28, 2007 12:51 PM Coldfusion's Future, Product Reviews Comments (6)

You probably already know about BlueDragon. It's a fine ap server from the folks over at New Atlanta (the makers of Jturbo and ServletExec). BlueDragon is an interpretive engine for CFML that is a direct competitor to Coldfusion. Last night I was privileged to see a presentations by Josh Adams from New Atlanta at the Nebraska CFUG on the upcoming release of Blue Dragon 7. I have always thought that one of the knocks on BlueDragon is that BD is forced to play "catch up". The folks at New Atlanta have to wait and see what features appear in Coldfusion and then hurry to implement them in the next version of BD. I was pleasantly pleased and surprised to see that the next version of BlueDragon may force Adobe to play a bit of catch up on their own. It has a number of quite innovative features and I was duly impressed. Here are some of the more impressive things I saw or heard about.

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Coldfusion 8 Wishlist Survery

Mark Kruger July 27, 2006 10:51 AM Coldfusion's Future Comments (0)

CF developer Tariq Ahmed has posted a survey based on the Coldfusion 8 wish list. He's going to compile the results and share them on Aug. 11th. Let's fill it out and give Adobe some real feedback.

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Merger Mania and Nervous Developers

Mark Kruger December 6, 2005 1:12 PM Coldfusion's Future Comments (7)

Now that Adobe and Macromedia are one big happy family the wave of anxiety is cresting once more toward the shores of our tranquil Coldfusion Island. Contrary to what the uninitiated might think, technology people are quite passionate and they invest a great deal of themselves in their work. When it comes to passion, we Coldfusion developers are the Rudolph Valentino of the IT world - second only to hard core open source Linux fanatics. Our favorite spokesman, Ben Forta, is officially titled an "evangelist" - one who spreads the "good news". It pains us to think that something we care about might be diminished in some way by a corporate conglomerate with no thought other than the bottom line.

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Coldfusion Panic - why CF coders scare easily

Mark Kruger June 8, 2005 11:35 AM Coldfusion's Future Comments (12)

CF coders are a curious lot. They tend to be among the more engaged members of the I.T. community - at least for a product with a reputation for running mostly on Windows (ha). Each time a merger happens there is a great hue and cry from the CF community about what it "means" for Coldfusion. You design folks will have to forgive us (well you don't have to... but it would be nice) for our lack of inner fortitude. There are some reasons for our panic - though none probably based in reality. We are just afraid of losing hard fought gains in the I.T. arena. Here's a list of items (in random order) that make me panic when I think they are in jeopardy.

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