Although I love flash for UI's, there are things about it that are tough to work around. One of them is the "fixed size" nature of the medium. When working with a multi-paned Flash object I often find myself writing javascript functions to resize the movie container based on the amount of data in the pane. I hate having tons of empty space in pane "A" just because pane "B" needs the real-estate. Or having to size the movie quite long because one of the panes is extra long. I want the embeded object to work like a really well-made CSS site. I want to "fix" the size of some things (navigation, info or helper clips), but make the "content area" fluid - like a good three column layout (is there such a thing - ha). It would be great if the publish options simply included an "auto-size" option that embeded the necessary JS in the page. Maybe an item for the wish list eh?